1. Datasets: Four Different Packed Soil Structures

Mono-Sized Packed Structure

Binary-sized Packed Structure

Multi-sized Packed Structure

Real Structure

2. Hydraulic Conductivity Calculation (FVM in MATLAB)

FVM for Real Structure

3. Two Point Statistics and PCA Analysis

Two Point Statistics of Mono-Sized Structure-Solid Phase

(1) Eigenvalue Explanation

Eigenvalue Explanation

(2) First Two Components

PCA-First Two Component

Regression-First Two Component

Linear model Poly21:
f(x,y) = p00 + p10x + p01y + p20x^2 + p11x*y
Coefficients (with 95% confidence bounds):
p00 = 0.244 (0.2411, 0.2468)
p10 = 0.0005295 (0.0004893, 0.0005697)
p01 = -0.0003605 (-0.0009168, 0.0001957)
p20 = -1.708e-06 (-1.964e-06, -1.451e-06)
p11 = 2.68e-06 (-3.487e-06, 8.847e-06)

Goodness of fit:
SSE: 0.821
R-square: 0.6676
Adjusted R-square: 0.6657
RMSE: 0.0343

(3) First Three Components

PCA-First Three Component

PCA-First Three Component

(4) General Regression Analysis

Regression Analysis Matrix
