CS 3300: Introduction to Software Engineering (Spring 2020)
Course Information
- Lecture time: Monday and Wednesday, 9:30am-10:45am
- Location: College of Computing 52
- Piazza: https://piazza.com/gatech/spring2020/cs3300a/home
Course Overview
This course introduces techniques in software engineering (SE) with an emphasis on SE process, phases, and tools. The course structure includes software engineering introduction, requirements and prototyping, design and unified software process, and testing and test driven development. Finally, we will use available SE tools to combine the SE knowledge tools in two projects. We will have two main projects in this class where you will be developing and delivering real-world software.
- Some prior knowledge in some of the SE tools (Eclipse)
- Java
- Some client side programming (js, css, html)
- Knowledge in teamwork and being able to collaborate effectively with your teammates
- Having cloud computing knowledge is a plus
Note: The topics in this course may change.
Office Hours and Questions
Office Hours:
- Instructor: Mondays 10:45-11:45am outside the class(access to my office is extremely hard)
- Jhanavi Sanjay Sheth: Tuesdays 01:30-02:30pm
TA Office Hours location: in Klaus building lobby at the first floor (next to room 1325)
Piazza will be the main place for course discussions and announcements. If you have questions, please ask it on Piazza first because 1) other students may have the same question; 2) you will get help much faster.
If it’s something you do not like to discuss publicly on Piazza, you can use private messaging in Piazza.
Assignments (20%)
- There will be four assignments and each will cover 5% of your total grade.
- All assignments follow the “no-late” policy. Assignments received after the due time will receive zero credit.
- All students are expected to follow the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code.
Project 1 Progress Report (5%)
- A project progress report should be just one page pdf (less than 500 words single spaced)
- A project proposal should include:
- Introduction/Background
- Software Technologies
- Software output/purpose
- Conclusion
Project 1 (25%)
Project 2 Progress Report (5%)
Project 2 (40%)
Class participation (5%)
- Your class participation score will be graded based on attendance and possibly in-class quizzes. For some lectures, I will bring my roll call sheet. I will inform students beforehand in the class not on Piazza that I am going to bring my roll call sheet for the next upcoming lecture.
- Participation in class discussions (including asking relevant questions in class, volunteering to answer questions on Piazza) will be considered when determining your final grade. It will be especially useful when you are right on the edge of two letter grades.
- Markdown Cheatsheet
- Github Beginner's Intro - Thanks Markian!
- Git Commands Cheatsheet
- .gitignore