Each presentation cannot exceed beyond 8 minutes. If your presentation takes more than 8 minutes, you will be asked to stop the presentation at 8 minute mark. There will be 3 minutes for Q/A.

Title Team Members
Inverse Airfoil Design using Artificial Neural Networks Jai Ahuja, Petro Junior Milan
Clustering Analysis of NBA Player Positions Michael Worthington, Jordan Trout, Akash Goyal
Applying Sentiment Analysis To Stock Market Prediction Joseph Walter Cochran, Rohan Sailash Patel, Jonathan Zribi
Using Machine Learning to Reduce False Alarm in Alerts Generated by Automatic Incident Detection Systems George Duncan, Kelleigh Hogan, Han Kim
Prediction of Personality Traits Based on Musical Preferences Ahsan Jamal Cheema, Yen-Pang Lai, Ayca Ermis
Root Inspired Anchor Model Project Muhao Feng, Yihua Xu, zhen Jiang
Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Blood Cell Images Using Machine Learning Shravan Choudhary, Ji Ye Chun, Phillip Galonsky, Haoran Zhang
Font Teller Venkatesh Avula, Zhijian Hao
Galaxy Morphology Identification Karen Loscocco, Yunqing (J.J.) Jia, Ammar Qaseem
Connect 4 Bot Using Reinforcement Learning Randy Deng, Joshua Kassab