Resource Collection #
Helpful Texts #
No textbook will be required for this course, however you are strongly encouraged to complete the readings indicated for each class. You may also find the following books very helpful:
- Learning from data, by Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa
- Pattern recognition and machine learning, by Christopher Bishop
- Machine learning, by Tom Mitchell
- Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, by Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, and Jian Pei
- The Elements of Statistical Learning, by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman
- Deep Learning, by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville
Other resources, such as machine learning toolboxes and datasets, will be provided throughout the course.
Dataset Ideas #
May need API, or scraping – thanks to Polo and everyone who contributed with suggestions to these datasets:
- HuggingFace Datasets. [Thanks to Xuhui Zhou] Popular dataset-hosting website for machine learning, especially for natural language processing problems. The unified API is convenient for training models.
- Google Dataset Search
- Google public datasets
- Kaggle public datasets
- Awesome Public Datasets
- NYC Taxi data for 2013 Trip Data (11.0GB). 2013 Fare Data (7.7GB). Visualization for a days trip.
- Large datasets publicly available.
- Georgia Tech’s campus data (has APIs): bus info, directory, building, T-square, room reservation, building facilities usage (e.g., electricity, lights, A/C, etc.), Oscar/course info/registration, etc.
- Yahoo WebScope
- U.S. Government’s open data
- IPEDS data: Postsecondary education data from National Centre for Education Statistics
- Bureau of Labor Statistics data
- Uber data: Anonymized data from over 2 billion trips
- Freebase
- Yelp
- Microsoft Academic Graph
- Numerous APIs from Google (e.g., Maps, Freebase, YouTube, etc.)
- Zillow: real estate listing site
- Numerous graph datasets (large and small): SNAP, Konect
- Movies data: IMDB
- List of lists of datasets for recommendations.
- Million song dataset by Echo Nest. It contains not only the basic information of songs (artist, genre, year, length etc), but also some musical features(like tempo, pitch, key, brightness).
- Dataset about soccer games, players, clubs. No API, but easy to scrape. For a soccer player: transfer history, performance, nationality, birth date, etc. For a soccer club: performance, squad, etc.
- The Free ‘Big Data’ Sources Everyone Should Know
- Quandl – a dataset search engine for time-series data.
- UCI also has a collection of links to various datasets sorted for various tasks (Classification, Regression, etc)
- Amazon AWS Public Data Sets
- KDD Cup: annual competition in data mining, like Kaggle
- Academic domain: Microsoft Academic Search, DBLP
- Retrosheet: MLB statistics (Game/Play logs)
- Classification datasets
- Various geophysical datasets for the oceans (magnetism, gravity, seismology, etc).
- Social trends
- Beer data Website offline 🙁. Older version at
- Academic torrents (terabytes)
- Article Search API from the New York Times (all the way back to 1851!)
- Civil Engineering Dataset
- (Kayak: flight, hotel, car, etc.)
- Data Science Initiative – Microsoft Research has various datasets and access to tools that can aid in data science research
Other resources, such as machine learning toolboxes and datasets, will be provided throughout the course.